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air craft 航空器,飛行器,飛機。

air craftwoman

The aerospace industry is the complex of manufacturing concerns engaged in the production of flight vehicles , including unpowered gliders and sailplanes , lighter than air - craft , ground - effect machines , heavier than air craft of both fixed - wing and rotary - wing varieties , military missiles , space launch vehicles , and manned or unmanned spacecraft ; propulsion systems and other thrusting devices ; on board equipment essential to the design purpose of the flight vehicle ; and ground - based support equipment needed for the operation and maintenance of the flight vehicle 航天工業是一個綜合制造行業,從事各種飛行器的生產,包括:各種無動力滑翔機,輕于空氣的飛行器,地面效應機械設備,重于空氣的各種固定和旋轉機翼飛行器,軍用導彈,太空發射器,載人或無人飛行器,推進系統或其他助推設備,對飛行器的設計至關重要的艙內設備,控制和維護飛行器的地面設備。

The aerospace indu * * * y is the complex of manufacturing concerns engaged in the production of flight vehicles , including unpowered gliders and sailplanes , lighter than air - craft , ground - effect machines , heavier than air craft of both fixed - wing and rotary - wing varieties , military missiles , space launch vehicles , and manned or unmanned spacecraft ; propulsion systems and other thrusting devices ; on board equipment essential to the design purpose of the flight vehicle ; and ground - based support equipment needed for the operation and maintenance of the flight vehicle 航天工業是一個綜合制造行業,從事各種飛行器的生產,包括:各種無動力滑翔機,輕于空氣的飛行器,地面效應機械設備,重于空氣的各種固定和旋轉機翼飛行器,軍用導彈,太空發射器,載人或無人飛行器,推進系統或其他助推設備,對飛行器的設計至關重要的艙內設備,控制和維護飛行器的地面設備。

The aerospace industry is the complex of manufacturing concerns engaged in the production of flight vehicles , including unpowered gliders and sailplanes , lighter than air - craft , ground - effect machines , heavier than air craft of both fixed - wing and rotary - wing varieties , military missiles , space launch vehicles , and manned or unmanned spacecraft ; propulsion systems and other thrusting devices ; on board equipment essential to the design purpose of the flight vehicle ; and ground - based support equipment needed for the operation and maintenance of the flight vehicle 譯文航天工業是一個綜合制造行業,從事各種飛行器的生產,包括:各種無動力滑翔機,輕于空氣的飛行器,地面效應機械設備,重于空氣的各種固定和旋轉機翼飛行器,軍用導彈,太空發射器,載人或無人飛行器,推進系統或其他助推設備,對飛行器的設計至關重要的艙內設備,控制和維護飛行器的地面設備。

China is launching a movement of real right legislation , which altering pattern shall be adopted is a foremost problem before legislators who must make definite stand , especially with respect to such movable properties as ship , vehicle , air craft , etc . the author thinks that the former is the best choice not only favoring transacting safety and promptness but also doing no harm to fairness 中國正著手進行新的市場經濟條件下的物權立法運動,其中物權變動應采用何種模式,將是擺在立法者面前一項至為重要且必須做出明確抉擇的重要問題,尤其是對船舶、汽車、航空器等動產應否絕對改行統一的登記生效主義還是繼續實行其登記對抗主義,必須表明立場。

The products of the company are widely applied in war industry , electronic industry , pcba surface mounting lead - less solder pallet fixture , watercraft industry , air craft industry , etc 產品廣泛運用于pcba表面貼裝無鉛過爐治具、電子產品、軍工、船舶工業及航空器等領域。

Pakistanf16 ( 2 weeks ago ) marked as spam pakistan is too important of a country be ignored , the united states needs to sell more air craft to pakistan 在2個星期以前)巴基斯坦被忽略的很重要的一個國家, ,美國需要賣對巴基斯坦更多的飛機。

As the air craft moves forward , the air flowing over the wings produces lift to raise the aircraft off the ground , and keep it in the air 當飛機向前移動時,機翼上方的氣流產生向上的力使飛機飛離地面保持在空中不墜。

He said several u . s . airports use the material that allows a points plane ' s wheels to sink in , and slow the air craft down 他說幾個美國的機場用這種材料來使得飛機的輪子陷入來使飛機減慢。

Shipment transhipment on israell flag vessel / air craft not allowed . certificate of compliance required 這個是要求不要走以色列國家的船或飛機,而且船公司或航空公司要出相關證明。

A pilot or navigator of a lighter - than - air craft , such as a balloon 飛船駕駛員,氣球駕駛員輕于空氣的航空器,例如氣球的駕駛員或導航員

The whole notion of a lighter - than - air craft cannot work , 比空氣還輕的發明技術這個想法行不通

And know nothing about lighter - than - air craft 我不知道怎么飛熱氣球

Impact of windshear on ascending or descending air crafts 風切變對升降中航機造成的影響

. . . and know nothing about lighter - than - air craft . . 我不知道怎么飛熱氣球. .

Dynamic inverse control for astovl lift - fan air craft 升力風扇飛機的動態逆控制